
The Dash and Stash

Penelope Gilbert

Have you spotted our technique posters around town? We’re sure they’re going to become collectors items. Pokemon Go for shopping adults?

Technique no 2 connects you with our friends Boomerang Bags, who sew reusable bags for you to use in place of a plastic bag. We do love seeing these in use around town, however, please return them to the box outside Castlemaine Fresh for others to use. There are incredible health benefits in a 3 step jog or quick side step dance as you return your Boomerang bag.

In Hobart recently I watched a dash and stash in action. The Hill St Grocer is plastic bag free, even their checkout screens remind you to bring your own bag. As I lined up to pay the man next to me was asked “Did you bring your own bag?” The man slapped his pockets in search but had to reply with an apology. Being part of the minimal 20% who forget their bags, the checkout staff member reminded him of the Borrow bags (the same as our Boomerang Bags). He dashed over then collected his stash. As I observed him, he transformed before my eyes. he was fine before, but now he was dashing!